Category: nursing

Creating careers in healthcare.

Top 5 Allied Healthcare Careers With Little Schooling That are In Demand Now

Are you contemplating a career in the medical field but don’t have the time or money to invest in a 2 or 4-year college degree?  If so, you have come to the right place. What is Allied Healthcare?   An allied healthcare professional is a broad term for medical professionals outside of the commonly known direct…
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Feds to Send 18 Million Abbott COVID-19 Tests to Nursing Homes as Part of Expanded Testing Strategy

The White House on Monday announced a plan to send 18 million more rapid COVID-19 tests from manufacturer Abbott to nursing homes over the coming weeks, as part of a larger move to ship 150 million of the units across the country in an attempt to reopen schools and businesses. Of that total, 50 million…
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Iowa nurse is fired after a patient’s family calls COVID-19 a ‘hoax’

An Iowa nurse was fired from her job after arguing with a patient’s family who said COVID-19 is a “hoax.” State records indicate that in April, Lisa Dockery was fired from her job as a home-health nurse for Recover Health Services, an agency with offices throughout Iowa. For the previous eight years, Dockery worked with…
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